About Me

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The story that i wrote is involves the feelings of sentiment thus noted to be memorable as well as teaching. I have lots of ideas on my head but difficult to be expressed in words. I have a lots of things to say but my mouth just like can't be open when the pefect timing came as i'm a shy person. Now i figure out that blogging is the only way for me to share my opinions, some of my good thoughts and ideas to everyone who need it. Peace and enjoy reading! -13 y/o syaza,2008-

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Reaper mempersendakan Islam?

Entri ini amat sensitif.
Menonton cerita Reaper sambil meneguk air 100 plus yang ada dekat tangan. Tiba-tiba aku terfikir. Adakah aku berdosa menonton cerita ini? Cerita ni adalah cerita jewish. Dalam cerita ini ada menceritakan serba sedikit pasal Islam. Ada yang macam mempersendakan Islam. Mereka meletakkan nama "Allah itu kasih" kepada tuhan mereka. Sedangkan mereka jewish tapi guna nama Allah? Boleh ke? Dalam cerita ini,manusia bekerjasama dengan demons untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu yang memang out of humans' capabilities. Sam's parents make a deal with the devil and the soul was sam's. Ada unsur khurafat dan syirik. Tapi bagi aku kalau nak menonton je takpe la tapi kalau dah mempersendakan tuhan kita,apakah hukumnya? Please leave your comments. Thanks,xx.

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