About Me

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The story that i wrote is involves the feelings of sentiment thus noted to be memorable as well as teaching. I have lots of ideas on my head but difficult to be expressed in words. I have a lots of things to say but my mouth just like can't be open when the pefect timing came as i'm a shy person. Now i figure out that blogging is the only way for me to share my opinions, some of my good thoughts and ideas to everyone who need it. Peace and enjoy reading! -13 y/o syaza,2008-

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

OMG Bruno Mars is coming to Malaysia on April 16?

Okay straight forward to my point for this entry is about celebrating my not-so-sweet sixteen birthday at Pantai Saujana which is located in front of my school on April 16. On April 13,My classmate sang a birthday song 2 times for me. First is in the morning and second one is when everbody are in the class. I was so impressed. As a new student in that school had been sang a birthday song although they not know me closely. Awh that so lovely :'). I got 175 wishes on my wall on facebook and a few messages on phone. I am helding a picnic party at Pantai nearby my school. About 30 people attended and we're having a very naiceee picnic on that evening. I was hoping to celebrate w my friend at Ipoh but i know it wont happen so yeah i should move on. Saujanaians are not so bad. Shocked when Imam Muda Isyraf tolong baca doa panjang lebar sempena birthday. 

Given by Aiman Haffiz. Thanks Buddy/Baby? haha
The Cake

Me,Liana and Wanie @Pantai Saujana

Wanie,Biha,Liana,Hasanah and leda.
The Boys
 Guys,Thanks for coming.
There's a lot of thing that we did on that day. Flying a kite (diorg main lari ganti-ganti cause tak ada angin haha), Mandi pantai *Boys, Buat istana pasir *me hehe tp xjadi pon, Main bola pantai, And a shocking event is when kamil buat aksi lucah. Tak pakai something underneath sampai nampak his butt. Hadoi.
Me and Aliaa @ my house,Ipoh. 2010
The sweetest thing on this month is when Aliaa sang count on me and i replied marry me by bruno mars through the phone. Best je, mcm dunia ni aku yang punya bak kata hakim. hehe Chao outside,XX.

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