About Me

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The story that i wrote is involves the feelings of sentiment thus noted to be memorable as well as teaching. I have lots of ideas on my head but difficult to be expressed in words. I have a lots of things to say but my mouth just like can't be open when the pefect timing came as i'm a shy person. Now i figure out that blogging is the only way for me to share my opinions, some of my good thoughts and ideas to everyone who need it. Peace and enjoy reading! -13 y/o syaza,2008-

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

URGENT,I Need A Title To Make A Storyboard,Help Me(!)

Guys,I really need your help. What is a suitable title for me to make a storyboard? The deadline is nextweek! Please please please help me. Any suggestion is accepted and greatly appreciated. Thanks :)


  1. nak buat storyboard tentang apa ek?animation ke?

  2. anythingjanji menarik. lain drpd yg lain. MM

  3. anything? how 'bout u name the title as 'Anything' ? good idea, rite? haha, just joking. but, how do i get any idea, i dun hve any idea =D

  4. @killerips Haha tak boleh la mcm tu. kena la spesifik sikit. anyway,thanks guys. Dah dpt tajuk dah. New Soul tajuk die :)


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