About Me

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The story that i wrote is involves the feelings of sentiment thus noted to be memorable as well as teaching. I have lots of ideas on my head but difficult to be expressed in words. I have a lots of things to say but my mouth just like can't be open when the pefect timing came as i'm a shy person. Now i figure out that blogging is the only way for me to share my opinions, some of my good thoughts and ideas to everyone who need it. Peace and enjoy reading! -13 y/o syaza,2008-

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Love Much, Laugh Often.

This is a very perfect gateway! having tones of fun with my cousins fr the last couple of week. Even though i'm having a difficult time to study but still have fun w them. First of all,my sister took them to the jetty near by our house. I followed them as we went it on Saturday. At this time,we're out of control. we scream out loud ignored the peeps there. We claim ourselve the Kardashin's hehe. Keeping up with the kardashin is Mas's favourite reality show,like seriously. Semua cousin I tengok so we kept talking about the Kardashin whenever and where ever we met. But at the Jetty we don't get wet much.  
The next day,we went to an Ostrich farm. I don't like to go to this kind of place. Felt like warmit because of the smell. Euw,killing me. But we still have fun feeding ostrich. The hilarious part is when a monkey chase me. He want the food and i was like screaming so hard! this i so embrassing haihs. We also have the opportunity to eat an ostrich satay. Sedap.
I was on holiday from monday till wed. It's a Deepavali hols. So we went to a hotel nearby and rent it for 2 days. For the first night,all of us get in the pool. We swim fr 2,3 hours. Tengok siapa menyelam lagi lama lah lepastu compete siapa berenang lagi laju lah. Macam-macam hehe. And here is my eyes. Tak baik lagi :(
 At this time,ramai dah naik. Tinggal kitaorang je. hehe
On Saturday we went to Damansara,Mummuy Tok place. After reached there only faris and I that not sleeping. So we went to the playground and take a walk. Faris suka gossip so we kept talking non stop. Although he annoys me much but i still can stand w his behavior.
Then we went to kareoke. 2 days before all my cousins left,we all ride Banana Boat! This is our first time and we really have fun thought. Wehoo! :P
 This is so cool,right?
Last but not least,Seremban. Not much photo taken
Banyak gambar dengan faris je sebab dia tah he suddenly really caring to me. Tapi scene gaduh tu still present,everyday! And as you can tell. My face look tanned! Lengan faris pun tanned,berbelang dah tu. Haihs. Thats why i dont like to go to the beach. Okay thats all,Chiao

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Kena gigit.

Bangun bangun je tengok dah bengkak. Turun bawah semua cousin tanya 'whats with your eyes!' kena gigit semut maybe. Then terus mandi2,off ti school. This picture was taken by my sis. Petang tadi,pegi jeti bawa cousin chilling here. Esok paper physic. Seriously im having a tough time to study now. Mm
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Sunday, 16 October 2011

I'm Ready for it,Love.

Theres a typical guy that ive been knowing about 1 year and a half. Were start to bond on Sept,19. By the time i was still someone's girlfriend but after i being single. Just to be w him actually but then he dating someone else. But the night he declare w he he leave me a message. He said that actually he likes me. But wht do u expect me to do? I just stop texting him fr quite some times. Trying to avoid frm missing or messaging him. Then before they brake up the love just start bonding again without us notice it. Then about 1 year we bond the love, i decide to have a serious relationship with him TONIGHT! i just send him a message like this
" I dah habis study,now nk baca balik my pocket note. After this I tidur la. If you still studying u go on. Just want to say that i really glad to have u in my life. I would like to share my life with u anytime soon. After exam ends perhaps hehe. Im ready fr it after 1 year knowing you :)"

Hehe. I told u. When the time comes,ill te u. Are you happy with my decission? :) hope u reas n comment this post. Hee
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Thursday, 13 October 2011

Filipino love.

Semalam I tgk cerita Filipin, Bcuz Of You. Dah lama nk tgk cerita ni. This is my favourite movie when i was 10 y/o. Sampai la satu hari tu CD ni rosak. Sedih sgt sebab I dgn kwn baik I terlampau suka tgk cerita ni. Semalam bila dpt tgk teringat balik masa dulu2 tapi cerita dia dah mcm tak se-sweet dulu. Dulu tengok sampai rasa nak nangis tapi skrg rasa biasa je. Tapi ada la part yang still jadi favourite :)

"Kau fikir aku dah berhenti menyayangi engkau?
Tidak sama sekali" Awh lovely
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Monday, 10 October 2011

Check Up.

Hospital Besar PD- Today is my sis third check up. Dia pernah accident and it affected her kidney. Alhamdulillah tak serious sgt. She woke me up early in the morning on holidays. Uh?? Then turun dari bilik tengok dia dah siap.Dia suruh cepat2 so I dengan tak mandi terus pakai baju. Make up dah ada dekat muka sebab semalam lepak sampai mlm then balik terus lena. Hospital dekat je tp tunggu giliran ade la dlm 2jam. While waiting fr our turn,bnyk benda lawak berlaku. Orang2 dekat sini no manner betul la. Sendawa kuat2,cakap kuat, bersin kuat2, semua nak kuat. Yang paling tak tahan,bau dia nak kuat jugak. Not my luck la setting next to an indian women. Dah la duduk bergegar gila lepastu goyang kaki. Dengan I pun shaking. Hadoi. Lepastu bau dia sampai selsema. Ni pun blogging sebelah dia haha. Serious tak tahan bau dia. :/ haihs. Pergi hospital tak demam now balik rasa nak demam. *tula gambar muka tak mandi. Hehe
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Sunday, 9 October 2011

Marry Aiman.

Yesterday, I'm dreaming bout I getting married with my classmate,Aiman haffiz. Yang pelik nya Lisa Surihani pun ada dalam bilik tu! Haha. Aiman was sleeping at the middle. Dia panggil I baby! *blushing. Then lisa surihani bengang lepas itu dia marah2. Then aiman kejar dia keluar bilik. Kenapa Lisa Surihani pun ada dlm mimpi ni? Peliknya.
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Thursday, 6 October 2011

Naughty Einstein

On Tuesday we supose to go back at 4.10pm but masa dinaikkan so kitorg balik 2.50. Last subject Bm 2jam. Semua org tak suka cikgu tu. Sekarang ni kitorg duduk bilik Dics sebab budak2 PMR tak cukup resource. Class kitorg budak form5 guna. Bilik disc ni tempat duduk dia mcm dekat University. Tempat duduk die makin belakang makin tinggi. Ada air-cond pulak tu hehe. Lepastu kitorg nampak je cikgu BM nak masuk,the whole class berpamat menyorok bawah meja. Bilik tu dah la gelap. Cikgu masuk pastu dia keluar balik. Dia tanya budak2 kat luar 'Mana budak 4einstein?' yang kitorg kat dlm.bilik ni tergelak terbahak2. Mmg kurang ajar kan kitorg? Haha. Pastu cikgu buka balik pintu cikgu tgk kitorg sengih2. 'patut la,saya nmpak kasut banyak dekat luar tp org takde. Kamu semua ni' hehe. Nakal betul budak2 4ein ni. Tak rupe perangai budak science. Dengan bising nya. Tp ape2 pun enjoy and fun duduk kelas ni :)
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Saturday, 13 August 2011

Seronok borak pasal isu semasa dkt sekolah. Baru la form 4 namanya.

Jumaat haritu aku rasa best sgt walaupun perbualan dengan kawan kawan dekat port dickson ni sekejap je. Macam macam isu semasa yang kitorg borakkan. Pasal Hajjah Sitt Al-zahwa yang murtad tu, then psl politik, pasal camera lomo, pasal pelajaran, pasal atheist. Mcm-mcm info berguna yang aku dpt. Aku seronok bila sembang benda benda berfaedah. Time tu la bru boleh nilai seseorang tu luas pengetahuannya or sebaliknya. Dlm class aku,my favourite girl and my worst enemy is Hanis. Dlm class ni kitorg dua selalu compete la time exam. Kalau dia dpt a mula la die pusing satu kelas pasru ckp 'kau ade?'. Haha Dia berpengetahuan luas. Dari isu semasa yg baru sampai isu-isu lama dia tahu. Aku suka berinteraksi gn org pandai. Tp dia lebih kurg tasya loya buruk dia. Susah nak suruh dia ajar ape ape tu aku bengang tu. But i have no chance to get to know her well la bcause dia susah nak stick dgn sorg kwn tu.Based on my observation la. Aku selalu ckp dk kakak aku 'ee aku suka la hanis tu,bila dia nak jd kwn baik aku'.

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Thursday, 11 August 2011

Inspired by someone.

Pagiku disinari puisi puisi cinta dan cerita beremosi kenalan lama. Dalam angan sedar,aku mengikuti ceritanya sejak tahun 2009. Jiwa remajanya mampu menghasilkn puisi yang matang dengan hanya menggunakan cara penulisan dan bahasa yang bersahaja. Jiwa kecil ini tersentuh tiap kali menelaah koleksi puisinya yang dimuatkan di laman blognya. Jarang sekali aku jumpa lelaki yang sangat sensitif jiwanya.

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Sunday, 7 August 2011

Wishes across the miles.

"Ya Allah,di bulan Ramadhan yg mulia ini kurniakanlah kejayaan kepada insan yg sedang membaca msg ini.Semoga dia tenang menghadapi ujian yg dihadapinya esk dan berikanlah kekuatan kepadanya untuk terus bersaing serta makbulkanlah doanya..Amin.I wish you all the best & may success lead you tomorrow,syazana! :-)"

Thanks Sweety. Harini aku pegi bazaar dekat Melaka then nampak burger goreng. Dia pernah ckp dia tgh masak burger goreng so aku beli la hee.


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Wednesday, 3 August 2011


Second day puasa baru aku,family pergi terawih. Masa tengah terawih ramai budak-budak kecik main lari-lari. Lepas solat terawih tiba-tiba aku teringat masa aku kecik2 dulu,darjah 2. Aku,azrul fazli,atikah sabtu,qarina hanisah dengan izzat selalu main kat masjid time orang tengah terawih. Main baling seliper la,main pijak kaki la pastu amek kumbang yang mati keras tu kitorg main bola sepak. Lepas solat kitorg org first pegi ambik makanan haha. Rindu la kawan kawan dekat sarawak. Duduk dekat bandar Miri Sarawak best sgt. Every weekends we all pegi swimming. Lepas habis sekolah je kitorg main badminton. Lepas habis main badminton kitorg pegi mengaji. Seronok betul. Time tu papa pengarah IKBN. So duduk dlm IKBN punya tempat la. Semua tempat dekat dekat. Rindunya.

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Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Things happen for reason.

Everything runs smoothly. Dekat sekolah ada la gelak gelak walaupun tak sebanyak masa sekolah dekat convent. Lepas tu solat full harini alhamdulillah. Sampai je masa nk berbuka tak tau la papa tu kenapa. Suasana rumah jadi suram. Sedih. Bercucuran air mata keluar. Lepas tu aku naik la solat maghrib. Buat solat dhuha nak pujuk hati ni. Lepastu nak semyang ishak lmbt lg so aku mandi la dulu. All of sudden teringat Seth pernah cakap 'kita nak berdepan dengan Allah kena la wangi2,handsome2' hehe. Tersenyum hati kecil ni. Lepas solat ishak aku pegang phone dengar lagu lelaki seperti aku-aliff satar. Sedikit sebanyak menghiburkan hatiku yang masih terluka ini.

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Monday, 25 July 2011

An Eventful Week.

Date: -18 July-24 July.
Very tiring! I do not have time to do revision. Exam is around the corner. Oh no!

Friday, 22 July 2011

Head Bleeding.

Salam everyone. Nak tahu? Today I had a longest and very sincere conversation with Aiman. But unfortunately the feelings fading. Yesterday my class, 4 Sc2 Einstein celebrated our victory at Pantai Saujana. We earned RM2000+ on our so called rumah-hantu-paling-ngeri on canteen day. At first,eveything runs smoothly. The boys playing beach ball and the girls are playing on the beach. Taking photos. Everything is just fine. Sampai la time semua orang dah nak balik around 5.30. SOMETHING BEYOND OUR EXPECTATION IS HAPPEN! Nazrin(Apek) telangar kayu dekat pondok and his head is bleeding fr about 20 minute. Subhanallah darah macam 1 mangkok cendol. I saw the blood flow on his face. I was looking and waiting fr him to take a photo with me and others. Dia langkah dekat meja then terhantuk dekat tiang kayu atas pondok tu and blood started to flow, very fast. Kepala dia berlubang and terkoyak sikit. I'll draw fr u to show how it look like. Ngerinya aku tengok,subhanallah. Really thought im lossing him doh.   Ambulans lambat as usual padahal 5minute je boleh sampai. Time tu semua org start peluk cium dia. Everything happen so fast. Only God knows what I feel on that moment. Rasa nak tolong dia but I was like had been tied with something and all i can do is standing next to him and trying to not get panic. Benda ni ngeri and tragic but don't know how to express it. Apek... Plese be tough. Now,I am still in Shock Mood! Perkara mcm ni la buat aku boleh sayang and terima diorg jadi kawan aku. (As u all know,I'm not happy when i moved here) But i think,Not anymore. :)
 Gambar aku lukis sendiri guna paint.
Muka sakit. Kalau dia tahu aku upload gambar ni mesti dia bising hehe
Nazrin yang pakai baju biru.
Okay thats all for today. Thanks fr reading. Leave yr comment.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Jiwa Hamba.

Hari ini aku mengarang cerita mengunakan jiwaku yang hambar. Dugaan yang diterima bagai kilat yang menyambar. Tak terdaya untuk aku menannganinya. Kini sepi sering menyelubungi diri. Tiada peluang untuk berkongsi. Aku keseorangan memeluk tubuh yang rapuh di tengah kota. Tidak dihirau sakit mahupun derita. Terkaku dengan kebingitan kota. Harapan yang tiada penghujunganya. Jiwa hambaku terseksa bagai didera angkatan bersenjata. Berdarah tetapi dibiarkan bercelakaan. Berulat dimakan bintang jahat. Tersujud menangis mengharapkan Dia mendengar.
Aku merindukan persahabatan yang hakiki. 
Aku merindukan keluarga yang sakinah.
Aku merindukan usikkan sahabat-sahabat sejati.
Aku merindukan gelak-tawa Si Puteri penghibur hati.
Aku merindukan tempat-tempat dimana kami mencipta kenangan abadi.
Aku merindukan keyakinan dan kekuatanku semasa dikelilingi sahabat yang tiada ganti.
Aku merindukan segala-galanya tentangnya yang menjadi pelengkap cerita hidup ini.
 *Entry ni aku dedicate untuk sahabat di Ipoh,perak. 

From left to right-Aisyah,Me,Puteri
@Rusno Beuty,Aisyah's Place
There is a so many things to share,Wish you were here. :'(

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

URGENT,I Need A Title To Make A Storyboard,Help Me(!)

Guys,I really need your help. What is a suitable title for me to make a storyboard? The deadline is nextweek! Please please please help me. Any suggestion is accepted and greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

Monday, 30 May 2011

Movie Review ; Letters to Juliet (Today) on Star Movies

Okay the story goes like this,Sophie is a writer.She is engaged to an italian restaurant owner named victor.Before they got married,they went to Italy for honeymoon.Unfortunately,they often conflicting so they prefer to go separated way after reached there.Victor went to study about Italian foods while Sophie went looking for interesting stories about Italy.One day,Sophie saw many girls crying while writng a letter and attached them on the wall.Sophie thought this might be an interesting story so she went to the same place on the next day.And she figure out there is a women collecting the letter on the wall.The women claim she is the secretary of Juliet.There were a group of ladies that assigned to respond to all this letters.Sophie helped the secretary collecting the letters and saw a letter tucked in between the stone and read it.50-year-old letter written by Claire,Charlie's grandmother.Sophie felt like replying the letter and she was entrusted to respond the letter.After she replied,Charlie came to see Sophie and scolded her.Charlie told Sophie's idea was mad! Sophie encourages Claire to find Lorenzo,her great love that has been separated. Sophie helps Claire to find Lorenzo.After awhile,Charlie had felt in love with Sophie and so do she.After they found Lorenzo,Sophie went back to her fiance.Before Sophie attending Claire and Lorenzo wedding,she broke up with her fiance and hoping she can be with Charlie.After reached Claire's house,she find out that Charlie is dating with someone else.She is so broken hearted and left the weding.Charlie chase her and told her that he loves her and the girl is actually his cousin.Sophie and Charlie then dating while claire married with her dream guy. End. Fiuh,I am an expert summary writer for a 107 mins  long movie. be jealous hehe. Okay please leave your comments! xx

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Apakah Sebenarnya Makna Erti Kata 'InsyaAllah'?

A Singer of Labanese origin. InsyaAllah is one of his hits song in Malaysia.
Assalamualaikum! dan selamat beramal. Mari kita tambah ilmu pengetahuan dengan membaca artikel yang pendek. Aku tertanya-tanya betul ke ucapan 'InsyaAllah' ni bermaksud berjanji kepada Allah? Maksudnya apabila kita dipelawa untuk ke rumah seseorang dan kita menjawab Insyallah kepadanya bermakna kita harus ke rumahnya. Tetapi ada yang mengatakan bahawa ucapan insyaAllah tu maknanya kita tidak pasti akan menghadiri sesuatu pelawaan tu. So harini aku buat sedikit research untuk mendapat kepastian selain menambah ilmu pengetahuan.

Perkataan ' InsyaAllah ' membawa erti jika Allah mengkehendaki.Tatkala kita diundang untuk menghadiri sesuatu majlis,kita melafazkan ucapan ' InsyaAllah ' bukan dengan penuh keyakinan bahawa Allah Taala itu tempat segala kekuasaan tetapi sebagai cara bermuslihat untuk tidak kita menghadirinya. Dalam erti kata ' InsyaAllah ' itu sebenarnya bagi kita hanya ibarat satu alat untuk kita mempertahankan diri dari melaku dan memenuhi segala sesuatu.

Yang sebenarnya dituntut ialah ketika kita dijemput atau berjanji dengan seseorang kita menuturkan ' InsyaAllah ' lalu berusaha memenuhi dan menunaikannya. Andai tiba-tiba datang halangan seperti sakit dan sebagainya,lalu kita uzur daripada melaksanakannya maka disinilah letaknya kekuasaan Allah. Disinilah baru berlakunya makna ' InsyaAllah ' dalam erti kata yang sebenarnya.

Sebarang ketidakpuashatian dan comment,dialu-alukan untuk mengemukakannya dengan menekan butang comment di bawah ini.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Orphans ; My Horrible Midnight Movie.

I just watched this movie with my sister on Star Movies last night. I thought this is just an ordinary story cause i probably would not watch a ghost/horror story at late night. i really can't imagine the story so scary as the title is so common! however, I cried when watching this story. Really touched to see the pain when Kate is trying to convince her husband that Esther is an evil.

Hidup John dan Kate sangat bahagia sebelum mengambil anak angkat yang bernama Esther. Kate mempunyai kenangan silam yang mana anaknya mati dalam kandungannya iaitu Jessica. Kemudian beliau dikurniakan 2 orang anak iaitu Danial dan Max. Max seorang anak perempuan yang dilahirkan pekak dan bisu. Kehadiran Esther dalam keluarga Kate merubah segala-galanya. Esther adalah pesakit mental yang ganas. Esther mempunyai satu sindrom iaitu fizikalnya tidak bertumbuh walaupun sudah mencapai umur 33 tahun. Esther kelihatan seperti budak yang berumur 9 tahun. Esther mendakwa bahawa dia kematian ibu bapa akibat kemalangan kebakaran di rumahnya. Esther telah membunuh ramai keluarga yang dia cuba hampiri. Apabila Esther gagal memikat ayah kepada keluarga yang dia cuba hampiri, dia akan membunuh seluruh keluarga itu. Esther suka melukis. Dia akan melukis setiap orang yang dia telah dibunuh namun hanya dapat dilihat dengan jelas apabila memasang lampu neon akuarium. Akibat Max inginkan kawan perempuan,Max sanggup merahsiakan kejahatan Esther daripada Ibu bapanya dan membuatkan ibunya tidak dipercayai oleh ayahnya. Akhirnya,selepas John mengetahui hal sebenar, John telah dibunuh manakala Danial koma. Kate dan Max terselamat dalam pergelutan dengan Esther. Ni la summary yang saya boleh tulis selepas tengok cerita ni.

Orphan Official Website :

Monday, 25 April 2011

Friday, 22 April 2011

Justin Bieber Live in Malaysia on April 21st,2011!!

Justin and Selena arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia on Thursday,April 21, Just hours before he kicked off his concert at Stadium Merdeka. Justin himself took the stage later that night. On the stage, he was joined by surprise guest Joel Madden of Good Charlotte. About the concert itself, Justin tweeted, "the show must go on! Great show out in the Rain In Malaysia!! Yeah it was raining. I was not so into him at first but then when he was growing up and look very mature, I seem drawn to it. Look at the way he was joking in the video,very mature right? Bila potong rambut lagi nampak handsome,mcm beckham! 
Fugly selena,dang!

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

OMG Bruno Mars is coming to Malaysia on April 16?

Okay straight forward to my point for this entry is about celebrating my not-so-sweet sixteen birthday at Pantai Saujana which is located in front of my school on April 16. On April 13,My classmate sang a birthday song 2 times for me. First is in the morning and second one is when everbody are in the class. I was so impressed. As a new student in that school had been sang a birthday song although they not know me closely. Awh that so lovely :'). I got 175 wishes on my wall on facebook and a few messages on phone. I am helding a picnic party at Pantai nearby my school. About 30 people attended and we're having a very naiceee picnic on that evening. I was hoping to celebrate w my friend at Ipoh but i know it wont happen so yeah i should move on. Saujanaians are not so bad. Shocked when Imam Muda Isyraf tolong baca doa panjang lebar sempena birthday. 

Given by Aiman Haffiz. Thanks Buddy/Baby? haha
The Cake

Me,Liana and Wanie @Pantai Saujana

Wanie,Biha,Liana,Hasanah and leda.
The Boys
 Guys,Thanks for coming.
There's a lot of thing that we did on that day. Flying a kite (diorg main lari ganti-ganti cause tak ada angin haha), Mandi pantai *Boys, Buat istana pasir *me hehe tp xjadi pon, Main bola pantai, And a shocking event is when kamil buat aksi lucah. Tak pakai something underneath sampai nampak his butt. Hadoi.
Me and Aliaa @ my house,Ipoh. 2010
The sweetest thing on this month is when Aliaa sang count on me and i replied marry me by bruno mars through the phone. Best je, mcm dunia ni aku yang punya bak kata hakim. hehe Chao outside,XX.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Your Ideas And My Ideas- How We Play Together

Mereka berdua adalah sumber ilhamku untuk menjadi seorang yang lebih matang dan bersikap terbuka. Menghabiskan masa seharian dengan mereka adalah satu pengalaman yang tidak boleh dibeli. They are my guardian angle. Almost every saturday night we'll spend time together till late night to ensure we'll not miss any hot issues. Unfortunately now we're really far apart and i miss doing fun thing w 'em. The last outing @ Pantai Bagan Pinang,Port Dickson. Lyana planed of having a pleasant picnic w kak hajar and now we're together creating memories at this place.
Yes, I am one of a talented,gifted Malaysian actress. Peace.
Kak hajar and Lyana on a horse-drawn carriage.
Cowboy girl,Yeeha! Picnic sampai petang.
First time fly a kite,Thanks to abang tuah. This is sweet.
She is my sayang  :-*
*A song that across my head right now is Just A Dream by nelly. 
"I was thinkin about her, thinkin about me.
Thinkin about us, what we gonna be?
Open my eyes, yeah; it was only just a dream.
So I travel back, down that road.
Who she come back? No one knows.
I realize, yeah, it was only just a dream."

Monday, 18 April 2011

Wedding Dress MALAY Version Caprice feat. Nik Irfan & Ash Lee Lyrics!

 Current favourite. Until time 4:04
Wedding Dress Remix(Caprice feat. Nik Irfan & Ash-Lee Lyrics
"ku mencari jalan, untuk mendekatimu
kaulah ilham disetiap melodi laguku
kau lah nadaku,setiap rentak-rentakku
kuingin selalu bersamamu oh
kau,kaulah gadis idamanku
yang selalu menatap di wajahku
siang dan malam,fikiranku melayang
tertanya-tanya bilakah kau miliku 
oh sayang! kau begitu sempurna bagiku
tapi jangan kau merubahkan asal diriku
walau diriku selalu berjauhan darimu
tapi janganlah sekali kau lukakan hatiku
See you in that wedding dress (x2)"

Hukum Sebenar Memakan Telur Separuh Masak?

Breakfast untuk orang yang tak pegi sekolah.*masak sendiri tau April 18
Sewaktu tengah menikmati telur separuh masak tu tiba-tiba teringat ada orang cakap hukum makan benda yang tidak masak sepunhnya tu makruh. Makruh bermaksud bukan bererti boleh kalau di-search dekat google. Makruh kalau dari scope besar bermaksud perkara yang dituntut untuk ditinggalkan tetapi jika berbuat tidak berdosa. Tetapi makruh kadang-kadang bererti haram. Seperti Imam Syafi'i berkata "saya menganggapkan hal ini makruh" maksudya adalah haram. Persoalan aku harini adalah adakah makruh untuk makan telur setengah masak? Makruh memakan telur separuh masak itu merujuk kepada erti pertama atau erti kedua iaitu haram? Belajar tentang hukum Islam sambil mengisi masa lapang. Pendapat dan comment anda amat dihargai..

Friday, 15 April 2011

Canteen Day, April 9

Buat kali pertamanya aku participate dengan canteen day. Memang pelik,dulu dekat convent semua acara aku buat bodoh. Dekat sekolah baru ni, walaupun tak gah namanya tapi merentas desa,canteen day almost everything yang held by this school aku participate in. Aura sekolah ni untuk membawa pelajarnya ke arah yang baik kuat kot agaknya. Sampai aku pun terpengaruh. Kelas aku,4einstein buat rumah hantu. Makan masa 4 hari la nak gelapkan bilik,buat jalan dan sebagainya. Kitorg kumpul 2k lebih. Buka rumah hantu dari 11pagi-2Pm, Challenge us. :-p
Tgh betapa beraninya aku haha
 Nilah keadaan di dalam rumah hantu.
 Ni pulak artis yang paling famous dalam kalangan tingkatan 4. Comelnya you!
Uwww creepy
After penat jaga tiket.
Banyak lagi tp maleh nak tulis,Ok sekian.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Reaper mempersendakan Islam?

Entri ini amat sensitif.
Menonton cerita Reaper sambil meneguk air 100 plus yang ada dekat tangan. Tiba-tiba aku terfikir. Adakah aku berdosa menonton cerita ini? Cerita ni adalah cerita jewish. Dalam cerita ini ada menceritakan serba sedikit pasal Islam. Ada yang macam mempersendakan Islam. Mereka meletakkan nama "Allah itu kasih" kepada tuhan mereka. Sedangkan mereka jewish tapi guna nama Allah? Boleh ke? Dalam cerita ini,manusia bekerjasama dengan demons untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu yang memang out of humans' capabilities. Sam's parents make a deal with the devil and the soul was sam's. Ada unsur khurafat dan syirik. Tapi bagi aku kalau nak menonton je takpe la tapi kalau dah mempersendakan tuhan kita,apakah hukumnya? Please leave your comments. Thanks,xx.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Oh Angin,Sampaikan salam ku padanya

Cerita ni pasal regret for breaking off the relationship. Me and Lyana stalk our ex boyfriend's facebook. We both like "i'm hotter" "He deserve better,seriously" "awh he's so charm now".  *Suddenly miss him. Nak falshback balik la. Kitorang berkawan selama setahun dan menjalinkan hubungan serius selama sebulan. We're both over for about two years ago. Kalau diberi peluang untuk bersama dia, aku tak mahu tapi aku mahu seseorang yang mempunyai keperibadian seperti dia. Dia sungguh petah berkata-kata. Suka sangat tulis poem.  Dia memang suka jadi orang yang pertama tahu benda baru. Pandai bab2 gadget ni. Layan juga hal politik. Dan tidak lari dari tanggungjawabnya sebagai seorang muslim. Cara hidup bandar and kampung dua dua dia boleh masuk. Kira tak lupa daratan la walaupun duduk bandar. "You jgn nak euw kat petai eh!" hehe. Kuat membebel tambah2 bila dia dapat tahu kita alpa dengan keseronokan dunia. Aku asal tengok lelaki muka melayu mesti teringat kat dia. Haih I Miss You  la Muthu.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

I can resist everything except temptation Part I

Okay start from now onwards, i'll write in bahasa. Ada kawan bagi suggestion die kata lagi ramai pembaca nak baca kalau guna bahasa ibunda. Katanya.. haha. So let see how it works. If it didn't work, Aku tukar balik la genre aku. Okay chao.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Simplest Way to Make Chicken Soup.

The ingredient : 
Potatoes,carrot,mustard,chicken,perisa pasti sedap,
salt and water four the soup.
 Result :
Easiest recipes to cook for teenagers out there. It only took few minutes to cook.  I make this soup for dinner today. And my family likes it! I am only 16, You may try this recipe whenever you feel like cooking. Now everyone can cook! If you would like to ask me anything please leave your comment on this post entry. Thanks for your support. Love,xx.

Everyone Must be Vigilant.

On march 18, my family and I went to kuala lumpur because my parents need to go to Kuantan. So my brother,sister and I stayed at our aunt house in Damansara.On the way to go there, there were 4 cars crash in a place close to where my sisters accident. Everyone must remember not to drive fast at this area. That place is at kilometer 13.5,Mambau. After the RM3.20 toll to enter Seremban.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Sister Is A Gift To The Heart.

I make a special porridge for her. What is so special? I put the vegetables into it! Hehe And for a first time she likes it.

Bubur Kacang for evening tea (Mother helped me), Chicken noodle soup and popcorn chicken for dinner. Two thumbs up for me. I make it for the first time and succed. Hehe :-p I saw the recipe on tv,Asian Foods Channel.
That all for now,Chao outside. xx

Some Info About Hotlink Hot Ticket.

Few days before my sister get accident. We go out with abang rizal, my sisters friend when she was in high school. Abang Rizal gave along I-Charge for save fuel. While waiting for the foods,my sister talked about hot ticket that had been used by her. Abang Rizal was like "Hot Ticket?? Apa tu??!!" I do not believe there are more people who do not know what is a hot ticket?! I put this video for people who do not know what is a hot ticket. Hope it helps you to understand its use. I am a hot ticket user.
The advantages of using a hot ticket for me is
1. Worthwhile for people who use Smart Phone
2. The charge for celcom to maxis is the same for maxis to maxis. 1 cent per massege.
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